Forum for Higher Education Institutes in Amhara Region (FHEIAR) News

Advocacy Workshop on “Sustainable Mental....

Jejaw Demamu

Due to the ongoing regional crisis, a significant number of....

Advocacy Workshop on Health Humanitarian....

Jejaw Demamu

The forum organized an advocacy workshop focused on addressing the....

New General secretariat of the....

Jejaw Demamu

Dr. Tafere Melaku, the ex-president of Debre Markos university, has....

Appointment news

Jejaw Demamu

Dr. Jejaw Demamu was appointed as the Vice Secretariat of....

Forum for higher education Intuition....

Jejaw Demamu

It is recalled that people living in different zones of....

The 12th class exit exam....

Jejaw Demamu

26 July 2023, Bahirdar, Ethiopia The general secretary of the....