Forum for Higher Education Institutes in Amhara Region (FHEIAR) Events

The 23rd Forum of Higher....

From 2022-12-17 Until 2022-12-19

All partners will be participated

Flood catastrophe humanitarian aid to....

From 2020-12-29 Until 2021-05-20

The agro-pastorialist communities of Afar region had been highly affected....

Green Legacy : at Dessie....

From 2020-08-25 Until 2020-08-28

Federal Universities Forum in Amhara Region Green legacy travel to....

A journey to save Tana....

From 2020-07-09 Until 2020-09-30

A journey of love and cooperation to Mount Guna to....

Plantation at member universities

From 2020-09-10 Until 2020-07-13

Ethiopia has planted more than 350 million trees in a....